Monday, August 2, 2010

4 Things You Must Know About Organic Container Gardening

Learning how to plant organic with containers is a great introduction to organic gardening. It will help you get your "feet wet" by giving you a great experience and confidence in your ability to do this in more productive ways.

There are 4 Crucial parts to organic container gardening that you really must know if you'd like to be successful your first try and they are: Planting, Watering, Fertilizing, and Controlling those nasty pests from eating up your hard work.


The actual planting is important. More important than it gets credit for. What I like to do is I like to "prime" the soil before I plant with it. I do this by lightly putting water in the soil and mixing it into the soil so it's a "little damp". I find this makes a nice difference in the way the plant grows.

You want to arrange the plants in the pot first, and then add the soil around them so they get an even dispersal of the soil.

Another tip is to not fill the soil too close to the top of the container.


Unfortunately, most container plants tend to dry out pretty quick, especially in really hot days. They may need even watering twice a day. Keep a close look on them to make sure they're not too dry.

A regular watering routine is the best option if you can put in the time.

Controlling Pests

Oh, wouldn't it be so nice if we didn't have to worry with bugs, bugs, and more bugs trying to eat up our plants? Well, those nasty pests are a prerequisite not just to organic gardening, but gardening in general.

There are a few things I've picked up that may help you with controlling your pest problem.

Garden bugs do most of their damage when the plants are starting to wilt. It's like other animals pouncing on weaker animals. It's easy pickens so that's when most of the damage happens.

This is why it's important to keep the plants well watered. You don't want your plants on the verge of wilting.

Another tip I've picked up is taking the container to the kitchen sink and actually cleaning it now and then. Just put some water and dish detergent in a spray can and spray it on the leaves, also look under the leaves and spray them too.

I've learned that keeps pests away for a while.

Organic container planting is a great introduction to organic gardening. It will help you get experience to take on even bigger planning.

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